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As a conscientious homeowner, you're aware of the importance of property maintenance. While roofing and siding are typically prioritized, it's essential not to forget about the care of your chimney's masonry. Waterproofing your chimney is a simple yet crucial step to safeguard its structural integrity and prevent potentially costly water-related damage. In this blog article, our CCP-certified chimney specialists share five reasons this treatment is recommended.

1. Preventing water damage.

When your chimney is exposed to rain, snow, and ice, moisture can seep into its masonry. Over time, this can lead to cracks, spalling (flaking or chipping), and structural damage. Repairing these issues can be a substantial financial burden. By applying a waterproof coating to your chimney, you create a protective barrier that prevents water from infiltrating its masonry, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

2. Prohibiting mold and mildew growth.

Moisture intrusion not only damages your chimney but can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew. These fungi are not only unsightly but can also pose health risks to you and your family. A waterproofing solution ensures that water cannot penetrate your chimney’s masonry, reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth inside your home.

3. Extending the lifespan of your chimney.

Your chimney should last for decades, but exposure to moisture can drastically shorten itslifespan. A waterproof agent acts as a shield against the elements, helping your chimney endure harsh weather conditions for many years to come. By waterproofing your chimney now, you’ll increase its longevity, avoiding the expense of a premature replacement.

4. Preserving your system’s energy efficiency.

If water has infiltrated your chimney, it can cause the insulation and bricks to deteriorate. This can result in heat loss and reduced energy efficiency, making your home less comfortable and costing you more in heating bills. Waterproofing your chimney helps maintain its insulation properties, ultimately keeping your home warmer and reducing energy costs.

5. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal.

Your chimney is a prominent feature of your home's exterior. A deteriorating chimney not only affects its functionality but also detracts from your home's curb appeal. A waterproofing solution helps to maintain your chimney’s aesthetics, contributing to your home's overall visual appeal.

Pro Tip: We recommend scheduling a chimney inspection before waterproofing, as any masonry repairs need to be identified and completed before applying a waterproof treatment.

Chimney Cleaning, Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair in NH and MA

Don't wait until water damage becomes a problem for your chimney. Contact us for a consultation and estimate on waterproofing your chimney. We’re your local CCP-certified chimney experts and we’re here to serve you.

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As the temperature begins to drop, homeowners like yourselves are eagerly anticipating the cozy warmth of their fireplace. While a crackling fire can create a delightful atmosphere, using your fireplace safely during the winter is essential. In this month’s blog, our CCP-certified chimney professionals have compiled five tips to ensure you have a safe and efficient burning season.

1. Perform regular maintenance.

  • Before the winter season, have your fireplace and chimney inspected by a professional chimney sweep. They will check for any blockages, creosote buildup, or damage that could pose a safety hazard.

  • Schedule a professional cleaning at least once a year or more if your fireplace or wood stove are used frequently.

2. Store and burn quality firewood.

  • Burn only seasoned hardwoods like oak, maple, or cherry. Seasoned wood has been allowed to dry for at least six months. Green, or wet, wood can lead to more creosote buildup and less efficient burning.

  • Store firewood away from your home to prevent pests and moisture problems.

3. Ensure proper ventilation.

  • Open the damper or flue before lighting a fire to ensure proper ventilation. This allows smoke and gases to escape through the chimney rather than entering your home.

  • Keep a window cracked open slightly while the fire is burning to provide a source of fresh air and help maintain proper airflow.

  • Remove ashes and debris from the firebox to ensure proper airflow and reduce the risk of a chimney fire.

4. Use fireplace tools.

  • Install a sturdy fireplace screen or glass doors to prevent sparks, embers, and logs from popping out of the fire. Ensure the screen or doors are securely in place while the fire is burning.

  • Use appropriate tools, such as a poker and tongs, to adjust and move logs as needed. Never use your hands to adjust burning logs.

5. Practice fireplace safety.

  • Keep flammable materials, such as curtains, furniture, and decorations, a safe distance away from the fireplace. We recommend a three-foot clearance.

  • Always supervise the fire and never leave it unattended, especially if you have pets or children in the house.

  • Extinguish the fire completely before going to bed or leaving the house. Use a fireplace shovel to spread out the embers and cover them with ashes.

  • Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home, especially near the fireplace and sleeping areas. Regularly test and replace the batteries in these detectors to ensure they are functioning properly.

Chimney Cleaning, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair in NH and MA

Professional inspections and cleanings, coupled with responsible burning practices, not only keep your home safe but also ensure that you enjoy a cozy and warm winter season. Is your chimney due for an appointment? Contact us today. We’re your local CCP-certified chimney professionals.

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As the first signs of fall appear, many of us eagerly anticipate the return of the burning season. Before you light that first fire, it’s important to ensure your chimney is safe and efficient to use. By performing a few maintenance and inspection tasks, you can prevent potential hazards, decreased efficiency, and costly repairs. To help you prepare, Admiralty Chimney’s CCP-certified chimney pros walk you through eight steps to get your chimney ready for the fall.

1. Schedule a professional inspection and cleaning.

Start by scheduling a comprehensive cleaning and inspection with our certified chimney sweeps. We will assess the condition of your chimney cap, flashing, and masonry, looking for cracks, blockages, or any structural issues that may pose a risk. We will also check for creosote, a flammable byproduct of burning wood that accumulates in your flue and causes chimney fires. If creosote is present, we’ll remove the hazardous deposits, allowing your fireplace to function safely and properly.

2. Check the damper.

Inspect the damper to ensure it opens, closes, and seals properly. A properly functioning damper helps control the airflow, conserving heat and energy when the fireplace is not in use. If you notice any issues with the damper, have it repaired or replaced by a professional.

3. Choose the right firewood.

Selecting the right firewood is essential for a safe and efficient fireplace experience. Choose seasoned hardwood, such as oak, maple, or cherry, which burns cleaner and produces less creosote. Avoid burning softwoods like pine or cedar, as they tend to create more creosote and can lead to faster buildup in the chimney.

4. Clear the area around the chimney.

Keep the area around your chimney free of any flammable materials, such as fallen leaves, branches, or firewood. Keep a safe distance between your fireplace and any furniture, curtains, or other combustible items to minimize the risk of accidental fires.

5. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

This is also a good time to check the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. If you don’t already have these safety devices, make it a point to install them before the next burning season arrives. These alarms save lives by alerting you to potential dangers and giving you ample time to evacuate in case of emergencies.

6. Review fireplace safety practices.

Remind yourself and your family members about essential fireplace safety practices, such as using a fireplace screen, keeping children and pets at a safe distance, and never leaving a fire unattended.

7. Practice safe burning.

When it's finally time to light your first fire, follow safe burning practices. Use a fireplace grate to keep logs off the floor of the fireplace, allowing for better airflow and combustion. Never overload the fireplace with too much wood, as this can lead to excessive heat and increase the risk of a chimney fire.

8. Create a cleaning and maintenance schedule.

After completing all the necessary preparations, establish a cleaning and maintenance schedule for your chimney and fireplace or stove. Regular cleanings and proactive year-round maintenance will help ensure that your chimney remains safe and efficient.

Chimney Inspections, Cleaning, Maintenance, and Repair in NH and MA

At Admiralty Chimney, your safety is our top priority. Our seasoned experts can help you prepare your chimney for the fall season, so you can enjoy a safe, warm, and cozy environment throughout the colder months. We’re your local CCP-certified chimney professionals. Contact us to schedule your next appointment.

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