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Your Safety Is Our Business

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Your chimney endures the elements year-round, but winter weather is the most notorious for causing damage to your system. Heavy amounts of snow and ice can lead to significant structural and operational problems with your chimney. If left unrepaired, these problems can put your home and family’s safety in jeopardy. The pros at Admiralty Chimney have seen firsthand the impact winter conditions can have on chimneys, and share their know-how in this month’s blog. Here are four ways winter can compromise your chimney:

1. Chimney Flashing Damage

Flashing consists of fitted metal sheets installed to create a watertight connection between your chimney and roof. Heavy snow can cause it to bend under the weight of the snow, allowing water from melted snow to easily flow into your chimney. Failed flashing can cause water leaks that damage the wooden structure around your chimney as well as your ceiling and walls.

2. Masonry Damage

It’s not just snow or ice that wreaks havoc on your chimney. Temperature fluctuations also cause damage to your masonry over time. When snow melts in the afternoon sun, porous brick masonry will absorb the moisture. As the temperature dips below freezing, that moisture turns to ice, expanding and causing cracks in the bricks. As this freeze/thaw process continues, the spalling bricks can damage your chimney crown, bricks, and mortar. This type of problem can lead to serious structural and safety issues if left unrepaired.

3. Cracked Chimney

Moisture that seeps through the porous bricks slowly erodes them over time. During the winter, frigid temperatures can cause the trapped water to freeze inside the bricks, causing cracks. Depending on the state of your flue liner, brick cracks can interrupt the proper airflow of your chimney. In some cases, this may not be noticeable, but in severe cases, it can be a precursor to a chimney fire.

4. Blocked Chimney

When snow builds up on your roof, it can eventually block your chimney. Using your fireplace when your chimney is blocked puts your home at risk of a carbon monoxide buildup or fire. Don’t assume the hot air from a fire will cause sufficient melting. If your chimney is blocked, air isn’t going to come in, nor is it going to come out, jeopardizing the safety of your home and family.

Inspection is your best detection.

No matter the season, your chimney will show signs of wear and tear over time. It’s an important preventative maintenance task to periodically check your chimney for any damage or disruption in operation. Equally important is maintaining regular chimney inspections with an experienced technician. They have the skilled perspective and equipment to assess your chimney system from the inside out. And they offer techniques to help prevent future damage.

Chimney Inspection, Cleaning and Repair in NH and MA

If you suspect a problem with your fireplace and chimney, contact the trusted CCP-certified chimney professionals at Admiralty Chimney. We can inspect your chimney, identify any potential risks, and schedule needed repairs so you can have peace of mind.

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The heart of winter is approaching, and with it comes the peak of fireplace season. Your hearth provides more than warmth on a cold day. It is also a welcoming gathering space for family and friends to relax and connect with one another. In this month’s blog, the CCP-certified chimney professionals at Admiralty Chimney share creative fireside activities to enjoy this winter and important safety tips:

1. Make it a game night.

Pull out a deck of cards or your favorite board games and play something that the whole family can enjoy together. The flickering flames of the fireplace will be the perfect backdrop for these warm and cozy festivities.

Source: NBC News

2. Fire up toasty fireside flavors.

Try cooking a meal over the warm, smoldering coals. Fireplace cooking gives food a delicious flavor and creates an adventurous activity your family can enjoy. For that quintessential fireplace experience, roast s’mores for dessert!

Source: Pinterest

3. Take a staycation.

Sometimes there is nothing better than staying just where you are. Grab your favorite hot beverage, and sit in front of the fire with a good book. Let the crackle of the fire lull you into a relaxed state.

Source: Acuity Insurance

The Fun Begins with Safety

Before you kick your indoor festivities into high gear, be sure your fireplace and chimney are ready to use. Start by scheduling a professional chimney cleaning and inspection with a CCP-certified chimney sweep. Your annual appointment ensures your system is operating safely and effectively. Follow it up by incorporating these safety practices every time you use your fireplace:

  • Only burn seasoned firewood. Unseasoned wood burns inefficiently, causing excess smoke and creosote in your chimney.

  • Limit usage. Your fireplace should never take the place of a furnace. Fireplaces aren’t built for long-time uses, so be sure to use it for short-duration fires—no longer than five hours.

  • Keep the doors open. Keep glass doors open to ensure the air can be drawn up to cool the chimney. Remember to keep the screen closed, though. This will prevent sparks from jumping onto your flooring.

  • Use the right tools. When using your fireplace, be sure to use the proper fireplace tools to handle the burning logs, especially if you just need to shift something slightly. Even brief exposure can cause burns or an unexpected accident.

  • Clean the firebox. Fireboxes need weekly cleaning when they are used in the cold months. Leave no more than an inch of ash to act as insulation, allowing the coals to heat up faster and retain heat during your next use.

  • Keep children and pets safe. Place fire tools and equipment out of reach of young children and never leave your child or pet unattended by an active fire. In fact, you can use this time to teach your whole family about fire safety.

Chimney Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair in NH and MA

At Admiralty Chimney, we are dedicated to keeping your family safe and warm. You can count on our CCP-certified chimney professionals to provide you with expert care for all of your fireplace and chimney needs. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.

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Your fireplace provides the perfect ambience, but its ability to transfer heat into your home can be less than optimal if you’re not using it correctly. So what can you do to generate a warmer and cozier hearth? Here are five best practices to help you get the most from your fireplace this winter.

1. Burn seasoned firewood.

Whether you use hardwood or softwood, your firewood must be dry, or seasoned, before burning. Wet wood causes a decrease in efficiency as the energy from the fire is used to evaporate the water within it.

Pro Tip: A firewood moisture meter can help you accurately read the moisture content of your wood so you know if it is seasoned and ready to burn. Properly dried wood should have a moisture reading of 20 percent or less.

2. Build a strong-burning fire.

Starting a fire seems simple, but there are techniques to create a fire that produces more heat while using less wood. Try these steps for your next fire:

  • Open the damper all the way.

  • Place shredded newspaper and small pieces of kindling at the base.

  • Add one or two logs on top, then light it.

  • Let the small fire grow until it is roaring then add more wood. Be sure to keep space between the firewood to encourage air flow and keep the fire burning.

3. Maintain adequate airflow.

Remove the ash from your fireplace whenever it reaches the bottom of the grate. This ensures there is proper air circulation for efficient-burning fires. Leave one or two inches of ash within your fireplace at all times to help insulate the new bed of hot coals in the next fire and improve its heat output.

4. Circulate the heat.

The warmth from the fire tends to stay in the area immediately around your fireplace–rather than circulating efficiently through your home. To help move trapped hot air, run ceiling fans counterclockwise at low speed. This redirects warm air from the ceiling down the walls and into your living space.

5. Professionally service your chimney and fireplace.

Creosote buildup in your chimney not only reduces the draft–hindering efficiency–but it also creates a fire hazard. Professionally clean your fireplace and chimney at least once a year, or more if you use your fireplace frequently. Additionally, schedule an inspection with a certified chimney sweep to check for any gaps, crevices, or cracks that may serve as an inlet for cold air.

Chimney Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair in NH and MA

Following these steps will help you transform your fireplace into an efficient, effective heating source. If you need to get your chimney and fireplace serviced or repaired, contact Admiralty Chimney’s CCP-certified technicians. Our team will take special care to keep your system in peak condition and your family safe.

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